Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to Create a Basic Google Form

Ok, lets start with the very basics of google forms.  Below is a detailed step by step process on how to create a google form that will post the results of the form to a google spreadsheet.  After you get this completed you can view this tutorial on how to Send a custom email from a Google Form Submission or view home page of the blog showing how to customize google forms and apps.  To get started all you need is a basic, free, gmail account.

Step 1:  Log into your gmail account.

Step 2:  Click on "Drive" link at the top of the page

Step 3:    On the left side of Google Drive click first on "Create" and then click on "Form."
Step 4:  Choose a name of the form you want to use as well as which theme.  For this example Default theme was chosen along with a generic name of "Sample Form."

Step 5:  You will want to capture all data from this form into a spreadsheet. 
1)  Click on "Choose response destination" at the top

2)  Verify "New spreadsheet" is checked and then click on "Create."

Step 6:  Create the first form field.  Here is an example text field with some details.

Step 7:  Fields were created for "First Name", "Last Name" and "Email."  Next a multiple choice field for a "Yes / No" question is going to be added.  Here are the steps to create a multiple choice box.

Type in the question you want to ask along with the possible responses.

Step 8:  Finally add a field to capture a date.

Type in the question you want to ask along with the necessary options for the end user to see.

Step 9:  Finish up your form with the following guidelines.

Step 10:  Whenever someone submits the form it will store in the spreadsheet like this.
Per "Step 5" in this tutorial the sheet with all of the responses was named "Sample Form (Responses)" if you open your google drive ( you will see the spreadsheet storing all of the responses.  The contents will look similar to to this.

Congratulations you have just completed your first form.  For advanced tips on how to further automate portions of your form including sending email or analyzing data please see the main page of this blog or this tutorial on how to Send a custom email from a Google Form Submission.

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